Establishment of Chronic Intraocular Hypertention Model of Rat by Under Water Bipolar Electrocoagulation of Episcleral Veins 水下电凝巩膜表面静脉制作大鼠慢性高眼压模型的探讨
The tissue damage with chronic hypertension, induced by the cauterization of two episcleral veins, was studied at1 and2 month after the treatment. 巩膜表浅静脉烧灼法制成慢性高眼压模型,分别于实验后1和2个月观察视网膜损害情况。
Conclusion: Cauterizing the episcleral veins can stabilize chronic intraocular hypertension in a rat model. 结论:上巩膜静脉烙闭法能建立较稳定的、持续时间较长的大鼠高眼压模型。